

  • Please note that registration will go up to $90 after May 1, 2025.

  • A payment code is required for this option.


Student Information

Parent Information

Waivers and Consent

By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

I plan to attend Lake Braddock Secondary School All Night Grad Party (“ANGP”) at The St. James Entertainment Complex on June 4-5, 2025. By signing this contract electronically or on paper, my parent or guardian and I acknowledge that we have read, understand, and agree to abide by the following:

1. This contract must be completed, signed by the student and parent/guardian, and submitted before students are allowed to enter the ANGP event. To attend the ANGP, the student must be a graduate of Lake Braddock Secondary School Class of 2025, must have purchased a ticket and completed any required form. I will present a valid LBSS photo identification for admittance to the ANGP event. Digital photos or paper copies WILL not be accepted.

2. This chaperoned ANGP event is a drug-free, alcohol-free and smoke-free event. I will not be admitted to the event if it is suspected that I have consumed or I am under the influence of any illegal contrabands, such as alcohol, drugs, vapes, or cigarettes. My use of any of these products during the event will result in my immediate removal and a phone call will be made to my parent or guardian who will be required to come and drive me home. Security on-site will be notified to deal with inappropriate behavior or violations of the law.

3. If I am found to be in possession of any illegal contrabands, such as alcohol, drugs, vapes, cigarettes, will result in my immediate removal and a phone call will be made to my parent or guardian who will be required to come and drive me home. Security on-site will be notified to deal with inappropriate behavior or violations of the law.

4. No outside food or drink will be permitted. No backpacks will be permitted. The St. James will only allow string bags into the facility. Any belongings, including purses and string bags are subject to search upon entry and will be kept, along with car keys, in the ANGP bag room. You may check your bag out of the bag room to bring to the pool. Students should wear comfortable clothing, including rubber soled shoes. Pant pockets are suggested. Please bring a swimsuit if you intend to swim (towels will be provided).

5. No liquid bottles (deodorant, perfume, cologne, hairspray, nail polish, body lotion, shampoo, conditioner, body wash) will be permitted by The St. James. The ANGP Committee can not guarantee return of items to students if these are brought into and held by The St. James. The ANGP Committee will provide deodorant and hygiene products in the locker-rooms.

6. Contact [email protected] by June 3, 2025 to pre-arrange any medications (whether over the counter or prescription) the student is looking to bring.

7. I will respect the event site and will do no malicious damage. I understand that in the event of my inappropriate behavior, my parent or guardian will be contacted to pick me up. Any violation will be dealt with in accordance with the law and LBSS policy. I understand that my contact persons listed
on this form must be available at any time during the event to take a phone call from the LBSS ANGP Committee and pick me up at a designated location.

8. I understand that students must check-in at The St. James between 11pm and 11:30pm. Students who do not check in by 11:30pm will have their parent or guardian notified no later than 12:30am. Students who do not check in will not receive a refund. I UNDERSTAND I WILL NOT BE RELEASED TO LEAVE THE ST. JAMES ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX UNTIL THE END OF THE EVENT at 4:00 AM, UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH THE ANGP STEERING COMMITTEE. Students who leave the ANGP at any time before the end of the event, will have their parents notified, will not be readmitted, and will not be eligible for any prize drawings. If your student is registered and cannot attend the LBSS ANGP, please notify the ANGP Committee at [email protected] before the party. All tickets are non-refundable.

9. I acknowledge that participation in the ANGP is voluntary and may include activities which may have some inherent risk of injury to the participant. Activities may include basketball, volleyball, soccer, dodgeball, flag football, swimming, climbing, trampolines, golf, batting cages, obstacle course, rope course, dancing, and more. By signing this document, I give permission for the Lake Braddock Secondary School ANGP Committee members and PTSA to seek medical attention for my child in the event that I cannot be reached during an emergency. Should an accident occur or medical treatment be required, the parent or guardian of the student and the student release the Lake Braddock Secondary School ANGP Committee, Lake Braddock Secondary School PTSA, Lake Braddock Secondary School, Fairfax County Public Schools, The St. James, and members and volunteers of previously mentioned organizations, from all liability, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto, and acknowledge that my medical
insurance will be the primary coverage.

10. I acknowledge that participation in the ANGP may result in exposure to Covid-19 or other illnesses. The LBSS ANGP will follow the mask and social distance policy set by the venue
and/or FCPS at the time of the event and must be followed by all students and volunteers. BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, I/WE, THE STUDENT AND PARENT/GUARDIAN, ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND THE RISK OF personal injury or illness to myself, and, as applicable, my child that may arise by participating in the ANGP. I further release, discharge and agree to hold harmless Lake Braddock Secondary School ANGP Committee, Lake Braddock Secondary School PTSA, Lake Braddock Secondary School, Fairfax County Public Schools, and members and volunteers or previously mentioned organizations, from any injury, loss, claims, causes of action, damages, judgment, costs or expenses, including attorney fees or litigation costs, which may arise in any way in connection with or from my or, as applicable, my child’s attendance at or participation in ANGP, whether caused by the negligence or the fault of myself, my child, or Lake Braddock Secondary School ANGP Committee, Lake Braddock Secondary School PTSA, Lake Braddock Secondary School, Fairfax County Public Schools, and members and volunteers of previously mentioned organizations, or other third parties.

11. I understand that The St. James requires a separate signed Waiver in order to attend the ANGP.

12. By signing below, I agree to comply with all guidance and all requirements of this contract.

I agree to the terms above that are signed by my child.


Your current total for 1 registrant is $79.43 (Show Summary)

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